Monday, November 28, 2011


So I'm feeling a little guilty. I made all this fuss about not getting out with all the crazy black friday shoppers. And what did we end up doing?! Shopping on black friday! In our defense, we needed a couple items from Petsmart... and then we figured since we were out and about anyway, we might as well see how crazy other stores were. Truthfully, they were not crazy AT ALL. I think all the hardcore shoppers were out in the middle of the night! Therefore, it worked out great for us. We were able to hit up REI, Best Buy, and Sports Authority without any issues. Surprisingly, this was our first trip out- I've managed to buy all other christmas gifts online. And PS- if you've never used, check it out! I live by it. You type in the store your thinking about buying from online and it pulls up all current coupon codes (it's hit of miss sometimes.. but I've had a lot of luck this season).

On Saturday, I decided it was officially time to put up Christmas decorations. We didn't get a real tree this year (which is a bit of a bummer) but our apartment is so small- it couldn't of handled it. The one that we have is perfect for small spaces (6 ft tall and skinny).
Not only did we put all of the christmas decorations up, I got ALL my presents wrapped (or at least all the presents that I have so far).. so Im feeling pretty good! Im not usually this on top of things.. but we're doing any early Christmas this year with our families in NC so I needed to have them all wrapped and ready to ship ahead of time.

Sunday was our typical catch up on everything day. We went to church, took the dogs to the park, and did a whole lot of laundry while watching football (Thomas does fantasy football so Sunday's are completely taken over by football these days..)

Thomas is out of town this whole week.. so its just me and the dogs. We'll definitely miss him! It's always sad to see him go.. but it usually goes by pretty quickly with my work schedule. 3 out of 4 kids are sick so I think it'll make for an interesting week! Speaking of which, Caroline just woke up after napping for 30 minutes and I had to run up and help her back to sleep before she wakes Sam up (story of my life).  Better run for now! Hopefully every has a good week back.

1 comment:

  1. You did not mention adventures with Wendy at the dog park!
