Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Taking on.... Georgia?

So I've been holding off on this blog until we had some definite answers... And now that we do, my husband has given me the "ok" to blog about it!

Our lives have been turned upside down over the past month. Basically, Thomas found out that come December 31st, his job here in Austin would be going away. Apparently, Italy decided to do some company "restructuring". We were assured it was nothing performance related.. But, as I'm sure you can imagine, we went into panic mode! Thomas immediately started job hunting ( within and outside of his company). His option within the same company would allow us to move back to the east coast and back into our home in Lawrenceville. However, we knew there would be a lot of travel and responsibility involved. Thomas' other option was to take a position with a different company that's located in Dallas. This would be a travel- free job.. However we were having trouble thinking of living in the Dallas area.
After much thought (and a whole lot of praying!) we've decided to move to Georgia! We're very excited. Although we've only been in Austin 5 months, we do miss our home.. And it'll certainly be nice to free up some money. Paying double bills can put a bit of a hold up on your social agenda!
We' re very sad to leave the friends that we've gained since moving to Austin.. But we're excited about the next part of this journey.

We'll continue to keep everyone posted on details! As of now, Thomas will be starting his job January 3rd and will be moving to Georgia right before the New Year. I'll be in Austin for a few more weeks to finish up my job and will probably be in Georgia closer to the end of the month.

More to come on our Christmas week. For now, I need to run before my free in-flight wireless runs out! :)


  1. We will sure miss you two but we are happy that you can live in your home! I will let me know when we get back in town so we can have a farewell dinner!!! Merry Christmas!

  2. Very excited for you and Thomas!
