Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

We've had a nice Thanksgiving. We woke up early this morning to do our Turkey Trot run. I'm glad we decided to get there a little early. I cant even begin to explain how many people there were! It was by far the biggest race I've ever been to. 22,000+ people. I wish I would of had my phone to take a few pics.

Luckily, the announcer made a point to mention that it might be smart to come up with a "rendezvous" point (I think he was referring to families with kids, but it worked for us too!). Thomas and I lost each other within 2 miles of our race.. but we were able to meet back up at the end. I ran the 5 miles in 1 hour and 8 minutes. Thomas did it in 1 hour and 3 minutes. We probably would of finished about 15 minutes sooner but our start was pretty slow given the number of people running.

After the run, we came home and I finished cooking before we went to our pot luck Thanksgiving Party. I was in charge of taking a couple of sides. My Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie (duh) and Macaroni and Cheese. Luckily I was able to steal the Mac and Cheese recipe from my friend Jake. It is DELICIOUS and super easy so I'm going to share it below.

1 lb of elbow macaroni
3/4 block of velveeta cheese (large block)- cubed
3 cups of milk
3 tbsp of flour
3 tbsp of butter
salt and pepper to taste
cheddar cheese for topping

Cook Macaroni according to box instructions. In the mean time, bring the milk, flour, and butter to a simmer (I used medium high heat). Then slowly add in cubes of cheese and stir continuously to avoid burning. Once mixture is smooth, add to drained pasta and mix. Add to a rectangular baking dish and cook at 350 for 15 minutes. Then add cheddar cheese on top and put under the broiler for a couple minutes.

We are home now- after a small hitch in the day. I locked the keys in the car. AGAIN. I don't know WWHHYY I keep doing it. Luckily, our balcony is easily accessible to the stairwell. So Thomas climbed over and jumped into our office window (good for us..  not so good as far as intruders go). He wasn't very happy about it. But I'm thankful that the window was even unlocked! I'm going to try and work on my locking the keys in the car issue. Sometimes I just have a million things running through my mind and I get preoccupied. I mean that's normal right??

As for the rest of the weekend, we intend to do a lot of relaxing, dinner with friends on Saturday night.. and most importantly, put up CHRISTMAS! I'm so excited. It's taking a lot of effort not to run down to our storage unit now and start dragging things up! Luckily, I'm pretty tired. Maybe I'll go to bed now and start bright and early (insert evil laugh).

Hopefully everyone had a joyful Thanksgiving! Good luck to all those that are braving the Black Friday sales. I'll be sleeping soundly in my bed :) (But as a side note- Thomas and I DID consider driving over to the Best Buy and Target to see what idiots are already outside lined up.. but then we decided that would require too much energy. And knowing me.. I'd probably lock the keys in the car again! I cant be trusted)

Goodnight everyone!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Back in the Grind

There aren't many weekends where I end up doing all the things that I sought out to accomplish. Sometimes my "to-do" list are so long (i.e unrealistic). But somehow I managed to get everything done this weekend. We had friends over for dinner on Saturday night.. so I think that had something to do with it. I'm typically my most productive when people are coming over. It forces you to clean all the things you really don't want to clean :) It's either that.. or you hope they turn a blind eye to the 5 piles of unfolded laundry.  

Thomas and I did get a run in yesterday.. but it was incredibly humid. So we did a mere 3 miles. Hopefully the 5 on Thursday wont do us both in. And let's also hope the humidity let's up a little as well! 

I ended up seeing Breaking Dawn yesterday. I had not planned on going to see it anytime soon. Thomas couldn't even be bribed with candy and popcorn. (sidenote- he's still holding a grudge over being dragged to see Sex and the City 2. What he wont tell you is that he fell asleep in the theater).  Anyway, my friend Kimberly was willing to go with me.. and in return, her husband was able to stay home and watch football with Thomas. So really, I was doing Jason (Kimberly's husband) a favor but giving him an out :) So Jason- you are welcome!

I'm feeling slightly run down today. I'm thinking maybe I did a little TOO much cleaning this weekend instead of relaxing (or possibly just ate too much Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie over the weekend!). But hopefully a good nights rest tonight will take care of that. And here's to a hopefully flawless (short) work week! 

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone! What are YOU thankful for?