Thursday, April 5, 2012

And the crazy month begins..

The Tuck B&B has been very busy over the past week! I guess the second "B" is used very loosely.. considering all I offered were cereal and fruit :)

Anyway, Carly and her boyfriend Josh made their first visit down to Georgia to see us last Wednesday. Josh had an audition for a roll in a movie that he was applying for on Thursday afternoon. It was a very quick trip, but hopefully they'll come back and see us soon! And maybe the AC will be on for Josh the next time around :)

It's  true.. we're in the high 70's/low 80's and we haven't turned on our AC yet. We usually try and hold out as long as possible. The days are a little warm sometimes but the nights are still pretty cool. I mean it's only the beginning of April. It just seems to early for air! Not to mention that our check books aren't ready for it either. 

Anyway, continuing on, Lorraine and Tommy came into town on Friday afternoon and stayed until Monday morning. We fit in a lot of things over the weekend- a beer festival, grilling out, shopping, and the boys managed to get a day of golf in. Overall, the weather turned out to be perfect for all of these outdoor things we had planned.

After they left on Monday, I was sitting at our breakfast table having lunch.. and I heard a strange noise coming from outside. The dogs were out there.. and its not uncommon for Harley and the neighbors dog to chase each other up and down the fence line.. but this sounded a little different. I went out to see what was going on and saw that Harley had captured a squirrel and was holding it in his mouth. Needless to say, if you've seen Harley with his toys, the squirrel didn't stand a chance. I imagine it would of looked something like this:

We've had a pretty good week- just trying to get back into the swing of things. And also trying to prepare ourselves for this month. We've got lots of things planned and it's sure to fly by! I'll blog more about them as they happen :)

On a final note, I just wanted to mention that my parents had to put down our 12 year old Australian Shepherd today :( She had a tumor on her backside that was getting bigger and bigger by the week.. and it was really starting to affect her. She was having trouble walking and getting comfortable at all. 
My mom seems to be handling it well.. but I know she'll be glad to have some Harley and Wendy love soon. Shouldn't dogs get to live a little longer than they do? They have such as easy stress free life. It definitely makes me want to cuddle up with my doggies and snuggle with them the rest of the afternoon. However, before that, I think we'll go for a walk. The day is beautiful and I think we should take advantage of it. 

On one more final note, Happy early birthday to my sweet niece Clara who will be 1 tomorrow! WHERE did the time go?!

Ciao for now!

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