Monday, August 27, 2012

Where did summer go?

Is it me or has this summer flown by? It's not quite over- but almost!

Remember that last post where I mentioned that it was so nice to be at home for a few weeks in a row? Luckily, we had that while we did because I feel like we've been on the road ever sense!

A few weeks ago, we spent an entire week in North Carolina. But not before I took my sweet husband out for his birthday on Friday, the 3rd :) We went to Flip Burger Boutique and not only enjoyed burgers (duh) but also a smores Milkshake. Yum! We left Saturday morning for Salisbury and stayed until Thursday. I spent time with family while Thomas worked in the Concord office. And an added bonus was that some of my extended family was in town visiting also. From Saturday to Monday, the house was packed full of Tinsley's, Moorefields, Tuck's, and Jaeger's. 15 people to be exact! I think that come Monday, my Dad was ready for everyone to leave! He'd had quite enough company for one weekend.
Also- amidst this crazy week, my Mom adopted a new puppy from the Animal Shelter. Her name is Maggie Blue.. and she has been a great addition to the family!

On Thursday, we headed to Hillsborough. We stopped in Burlington on the way through to see Meredith and Ben's newly renovated house (which looks fabulous) and then we managed to surprise Lorraine and Tommy (Thomas' parents) for their birthday dinner. The rest of the weekend entailed shopping, fishing, The Campaign, a Mexican Fiesta, and lots of laughs. Not to mention the gathering of  8 grand dogs!

We arrived back home on Sunday. And then I left the following Thursday to go see my family at the beach for a few days. Thomas wasn't able to come this year because of their annual trade show at the convention center downtown.. so I decided to use some airline miles and make the 45 minute flight to Myrtle Beach in lieu of the 6 hour drive. I think it was a great choice. Who wants to drive that far alone?

We had a really fun time at the beach. It was a lot of fun getting to see Clara playing on the beach and splashing in the water. At this time last year, she was too little to fully appreciate the beach. So this year was extra special. And luckily my Dad took a mere 800 photos to capture all the action. Surely there are a few good shots in there somewhere. Here are a couple photo's from my phone-

Applying of the sunscreen- her FAVORITE! Cant you see the excitement in her face? :)

Beach Baby!

This past week and weekend has been super crazy for Thomas. A lot of preparation went into the trade show.. and Im relieved that he's finally finished. For about a week and a half, he was driving downtown daily (leaving at 6:30 and sometimes not getting home until 8 or 9 at night) and it was definitely starting to take a toll on his body!  Nothing another beach trip cant fix :) More to post on that later!

I wasn't sure what to do with my low key/husband-less weekend. So I decided to get some sewing done. I haven't had a lot of sewing time available lately so it seemed like a great idea. I've had this tunic/shirt pattern that I've been wanting to undertake for months. It took me ALL day but it is finished and I think it looks fabulous. Only I could point out the minor mistakes.. and there really aren't many. I think Im definitely ready to take on more clothes. Here's a photo of the finished product- disregard the cheesy setting!

That's it for now! Time to shower and get ready for dinner out with our friends Kalee and Matt!
Hope that all the (NC) teachers had a great day back today! And hopefully everyone has a great week!

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