Sunday, November 4, 2012

'Falling' Behind.. as usual!

JUST when I think that I'm up to date on my blogging, I realize it's been several weeks since my last blog and I'm behind of sharing so many details!

My mom came into town to see me last weekend. Thomas was in Canada and the Midwest for a long 10 day stay so it was the perfect opportunity for a mother/daughter weekend. We had lunches out, did some shopping, a little sewing, attended a baby shower, and just overall relaxed. It was nice to have her AND her crazy puppy here for a visit. However, I think I can honestly say that for the first time ever, Wendy and Harley were ready for her and Maggie to get the HECK out of here. They were less than thrilled with Maggie's presence for the weekend. Hopefully, over time, they will learn to love her :)

Thomas is finally back from his trip and happy to be home. It was a very cold visit to Canada! Part of his trip was spent in Iowa and while there, he squeezed in a trip to the location where the movie "Field of Dreams" was made. He took lots of pictures and even ran the bases. He has since bought the movie on blue ray and watched it twice :) Needless to say, it was the highlight of his trip!

We've had a pretty low key weekend. We're currently watching the Panthers game and the dogs are curled up beside us sleeping. We decided we wanted to go to the park this morning for a run. The weather has been great in GA this weekend so we couldn't pass up an opportunity for a day outdoors. We were about to leave.. and we realized that the dogs knew exactly what was going on. It's usually a dead giveaway when we reach for our sneakers. So instead of feeling guilty, we decided to drag them along with us and do some intervals instead of a full on run. Wendy got a little tired about halfway in and Thomas had to carry her for a few. But overall, they did surprisingly well!
I'm still a little hesitant to take them to the park on trips where we're going a long distance. On more than one occasion, I've been stranded on a 3 mile trail with a Wendy girl that refuses to move. I'm then forced to carry her limp 15lb body the 1.5 miles back while keeping Harley in check also. Luckily, today she redeemed herself! :)

I guess I should enjoy some downtime while I can. I think we're headed outside for some yard work after the Panthers game. My FAV!

Pics to come soon on my ALMOST completed t-shirt quilt!

Hope everyone is enjoying their extra long Sunday :)

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