Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Entering a new realm of possibilities...

Typically when Thomas travels, I'm extremely productive. I think it's out of boredom. None the less, I'm able to get a lot of things done!

My mom was here visiting while he was gone (he was in Vegas for 9 days at a trade show, by the way) and having her here definitely increased that productivity. The lady does not SIT. I love her. But there's no relaxing with the Bonster. All joking aside, we had a really great week together and she was able to help me get a lot of things checked off the ol' "to do list".

My friend Bonnie posted a website on her facebook the other day, and it's gotten me really intrigued! I started eyeballing it a little while mom was still here, but after she left on Sunday, I really started diving into it. And then I proceeded to look up other similar blogs/websites. They are all based around making chemical free health products (sunscreen, deodorant, cleaners, detergents, etc.). Thomas thinks I've flown the chickens coop (I'm from the south people.. don't act like that phrase surprises you)- but I think it's a really interesting idea! We obviously all worry about what types of food we intake and whether it's good for us. It seems like it should be just as important to worry about what chemicals you slather on your body, right? And not only that- but it can be a much cheaper option.

Case in point- I made my first homemade product on Sunday. Deodorant. There is a lot of talk about certain chemicals in deodorant- Aluminum, to be exact- that are linked to Breast Cancer. So I figured trying to make that would be a good start (not to mention that my own Dove deodorant is almost gone). The ingredients are very simple- baking soda, cornstarch, and coconut oil. My coconut oil already has a fragrance to it, but if you have one that does not, you can also add a little essential oil (lavender, geranium, etc.) or shea butter.

I'm going to list some links/blogs below but here is the recipe I used-

5 tbsp coconut oil
1/4 cup cornstarch (I added about a tablespoon more)
1/4 baking soda

Mix thoroughly and store in a jar. It's too runny to go in a standard deodorant container- don't even give that a try. You'll have a mess on your hands! I have mine in a little container by the sink and I just apply a small dab with a Q-tip.

I've only been using it for three days- and I was a little hesitant after reading a few woman's reviews (some woman have issues with the rough abrasion of the baking soda) but I haven't had any issues and I'm really pleased with it so far! Just to be sure, I started out by using a very small amount and not slathering it on. Along with that- something to consider is not using too much because the baking soda may leave residue on your clothes (temporarily until washed).

My next venture is sunscreen! I have very fair skin and not only do I easily burn, but I also easily get sun poisoning. It's really not a fun trait to have. But I've learned to make the best of it over the years!

After doing a little research, I've found out that there are certain essential oils that contain SPF- and not only that, but a lot of other elements that are great for your skin. Buying these oils is probably not going to be cheap but I'll keep you posted on that (and any other concoctions that I undertake)!

Check out these blogs if your interested!




1 comment:

  1. Good for you Cate! Take it one project/product at a time and buy your EO's one at a time so you're not "overwhelmed" financially. Ignore Thomas' silly comments. I love making my own cosmetics. The only thing I haven't "mastered" yet is shampoo and conditioner, but have been researching variations in "no poo" for a while and ramping up to give it a shot. I have some "e-books" I can send you if you're interested. XO
