Thursday, October 17, 2013

Laundry Detergent

I love love looooovvveeeee my new laundry detergent. It took me awhile, but I finally got all of the ingredients picked up and ready for assembling. Originally, I was planning to buy them off line from Amazon. However, after doing a little more investigation, I realized I could get them all at Walmart and Target. I don't typically support Walmart, but it was such a deal I couldn't resist! I think I spent a total of $5.00 for everything (Borax, Washing Soda, and Bar Soap). In case your interested, this recipe (or a liquid version) can be found here. And let me say- this detergent is pretty bare bones. It gets the job done, but it doesn't have any frangrance. It smells good prior to going into the washer, but there's really no fragrance after the clothes are dried and folded.

I grated the bar soap very finely to mix in with the other ingredients. You can use any bar soap. I like Dr. Bronners Castille Soap (I found it at Target). It's a little more expensive ($5 a bar, I think), so its not a must- but I like the ingredients in the Dr. Bronner products. I also use a liquid Dr. Bronners soap for hand washing and for a counter top cleaner. The all purpose/counter top cleaner recipe is here. I should mention.. if this woman (Wellness Mama) told me to scrub with glass shards because of its exfoliating capabilities, I would probably do it. I am obsessed with her and her knowledge on all things healthy! Ok- I wouldn't REALLY scrub with glass shards, but she does have a lot of good ideas. 

I was able to make 2 large batches, with more Borax to spare for later. 

I use 1/8 cup per wash. And in case your wondering, there are 7 1/2 cups in each batch that I made (3 cups borax, 3 cups washing soda, and 1-1/2 cups soap-which equals an entire bar grated). That totals 15 cups. And at 1/8 cup per load, there are approximately 120 loads available to use. 

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