Saturday, January 21, 2012

A man's day...

One of my jobs before leaving to drive back to Georgia next week was to take care of some car maintenance. My favorite!! So I obviously waited until the last minute and hoped for the best.
The Honda still had its original tires from when I bought it 4 years ago. They were not in terrible shape.. But it was definitely time. I really dreaded being THAT female going into the tire store ( you know.. The one that has no clue what to look for and could be sold $1000 worth of parts because they told her it was necessary). But somehow, I pulled it off nicely and pretended I knew exactly what I was talking about! I also arranged an oil change AND washed and vacuumed out the car. Impressed right?

Tonight I'm going out to dinner with a friend of mine (Kimberly).. And then over to her apartment after to hang out for a few and have some wine. I'm really excited to see her! And after this week.. A glass of wine is much needed.

The week started off a little hectic.. And that's pretty typical :) but as Friday approached, I really started to feel the pressure of this entire situation and it hit me pretty hard. It's been a very crazy year.. And not only that, but ive been "camping" in our apartment for 2 weeks now and it's been 3 weeks since I've seen my husband. Im also starting to feel a little stress on the job front ( which I need to start figuring out). Needless to say, I ended up taking a personal day from work yesterday. I just didn't have it in me to take care of the kids. And luckily, I feel much better today. I watched a movie, took Wendy to the park, and bought myself a new pair of shoes. All cures for a very bad day!

Thomas is finally back on the east coast. He flew into NY from Italy today and is staying the night tonight with his college friend Seth Dancy. He's never been to NY before so he's pretty excited. Let's just hope he can figure out the subway/bus/boat ride he's got to take to get to Seth's apartment! And then he'll have to do the same thing tomorrow morning when he heads back to the airport. But hopefully he'll have it mastered by then :)

Our friends little boy, Parker has had his heart surgery and is doing pretty well but having a couple post surgery complications. So continue to keep them in your prayers please!

That's it for now. I'm going to rest for a few before heading to dinner. Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

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