Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I've NEVER been good at being patient. Getting to Christmas morning is excruciating. As well as birthdays, vacations, and any other occasion that involves surprises or fun. Not only that- but it's extremely hard for me to not want to tell everyone what I've gotten them for said occasion. Especially Thomas. Since we don't see our parents everyday or talk to them everyday, that's a little easier. But having Thomas here.. looking at me.. it just blurts right out! And he, of course, finds this very funny.

I'm also extremely impulsive when it comes to making purchases. This has GREATLY improved over the years as I've become an adult and have been forced to budget- but I still have my weak moments where I want something here and now! I blame Tony Tinsley. He most definitely gave me that impulsive/impatient gene.

So it should come as no surprise that I am in extreme anticipation about our upcoming Hawaii trip. To the point that I'm pretty sure I passed the obnoxious level WEEKS ago. If I bring up the phrase Hawaii in our household, I know Thomas is trying to be nice, but Im definitely getting a slight look of annoyance.

He has been extremely busy with work this year. He's been traveling a lot and even working on the weekends when he needs to. Therefore, I've taken the bull by the horns and done all of the planning for this trip. He's usually the planner- so its definitely unusual for me to do all the planning. But I've really enjoyed doing the research and planning activities for us. And I guess that's why I'm so excited- I know exactly what we have to look forward to!

I've got a little bit of a lighter load this summer with the kids doing various Summer Camps- yet I cant seem to focus on getting anything done (not Hawaii related that is). I'm having to force myself to complete other task. Otherwise, I find myself sitting in front of this computer. Looking up pictures. Watching videos. Checking the weather. Checking our Itinerary. Repeat.

So here's hoping that I can make it through the next 10 days without causing all of my Facebook friends to remove me from their news feed.

And feel free to follow us on Instagram and Facebook on our exciting upcoming adventure! (that is, if I haven't already been deleted from said news feed)

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