Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A fresh start!

So I love to read blogs- but somehow I cant keep up with writing my OWN blog. I started blogging in the first place because we moved to Georgia and we were so far away from friends and family. Now- we're REALLY far away from friends and family.. so I've decided to give this another shot!

Around May of this year, we found out that Thomas' company wanted us to move to Texas. Initially, we were shocked. But over time, the idea became more appealing and we decided to go for it. Our house went under contract very quickly and it seemed like things were falling into place.
About a month later, our housing contact had fallen through. We had already made plans to move so we decided to follow through with them.. and had hopes that our house would sell quickly even once we were gone.

That was July. Its currently November and our house is still on the market. So now we're in a position where we've decided to rent our house. It's definitely not ideal but we don't have many other choices. Pray that we'll be able to find a family that doesn't destroy our beautiful home!

(Backtracking a little) - We made it safe and soundly to Austin. The dogs, and Thomas and I packed up in the biggest Uhaul that you can get and we made the 3 day trip to get here. We couldn't of picked a worse time to move- the highs were in the mid 100's and our apartment is on the 3rd floor.. but somehow we managed. And it's finally starting to cool down! I thought the days of fall would never get here!
Unfortunately our apartment is TINY and half of our possessions live in a storage unit- but hopefully it will just be temporary. After having a taste of home ownership, I'm not used to apartment living anymore!

All else is well. I started my new nannying job a week after we arrived. I'm nannying for a family with 4 kids - Mary (10), Jack (5), and Sam and Caroline (2). As I'm sure you can imagine, being a nanny has its good and bad days (especially when your outnumbered).. but for the most part, its been a joy working with the Miller Kids. They make me laugh on a daily basis!

Thomas is working from home now that we've moved. He still travels occasionally.. but the dogs and I both enjoy getting to see him more often!

I guess that's it for now. More to come on how life is in Austin!

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