Saturday, November 19, 2011

Typical Saturday

Seeing as we live in a tiny apartment with two dogs, going to the park each weekend is a priority. Luckily, we've moved to a VERY dog-friendly city. The recreational parks and dog parks are amazing. Their everywhere.. and more than half of them are off leash. The picture that I've posted at the top of the blog is one of our favorite parks. It's called Zilker Park. It's huge and has a nice backdrop of the city. As soon as we get there, the dogs go nuts.

We headed to Zilker Park this morning (after getting coffee and muffins of course) and stayed for about an hour. To say that our doggies are tired would be an understatement. We've been home for several hours and I don't think I've seen Harley budge. Unfortunately, he just doesn't know when to stop. I think he would probably chase after the ball until his heart quit on him. He's slightly obsessed- which is of course his nature as a Border Collie. He's got two jobs in life- catching the ball and hearding Wendy. He does them both very well :)

Once we got home, I decided to partake in my usual Saturday baking frenzy. I don't have a lot of time to cook during the week.. so Saturday is my day to cook some of our favorite foods to have during the week. Today was Enchilada Casserole and Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie. I've cooked both before and they are two of our favorites! Im including the recipes below.. they are definitely noteworthy (as are the blogs that they are listed on).

Enchilada Casserole

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

Now, its time to relax and possibly do a little reading! I've recently started the Hunger Games and I'm OBSESSED. Each chapter leaves you hanging.. therefore, the books are hard to put down (or in this case, my kindle). I would highly recommend them to anyone. They are a fairly easy read.

As for tomorrow, Thomas and I will head to church and most likely brunch after that. We're also planning to head to the park (again) but for our benefit this time! We're both running in the Austin Turkey Trot (5 miles) on Thanksgiving so we're trying to do some last minute preparation for that!

Meredith (my sister-in-law) and I are in training for our first half marathon. It's the Austin Half-Marathon and its taking place in mid-February. Since Im training in TX alone, I'm attempting to set mini goals for myself to be held accountable. The turkey trot is helping with that process. Wish us luck!

Happy Weekend everyone.. just think- only 3 works days (for most of us) and then a long weekend to come!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for starting your blog!! I am going to figure out how I can view it on my phone.
